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function useLive(
endpoint: ReadEndpoint,
...args: Parameters<typeof endpoint> | [null]
): Denormalize<typeof endpoint.schema>;

Fetch and use data, while keeping it updated with remote changes.

useSuspense() + useSubscription() in one hook.

Conditional Dependencies

Use null as the second argument on any rest hooks to indicate "do nothing."

// todo could be undefined if id is undefined
const todo = useLive(TodoResource.get, id ? { id } : null);
React Native

When using React Navigation, useLive() will trigger fetches on focus if the data is considered stale. useLive() will also sub/unsub with focus/unfocus respectively.


import { Entity, RestEndpoint } from '@rest-hooks/rest';
export class ExchangeRates extends Entity {
readonly currency: string = 'USD';
readonly rates: Record<string, string> = {};
pk(): string {
return this.currency;
export const getExchangeRates = new RestEndpoint({
urlPrefix: '',
path: '/exchange-rates',
searchParams: {} as { currency: string },
schema: { data: ExchangeRates },
pollFrequency: 15000,
import { useLive } from '@rest-hooks/react';
import { getExchangeRates } from './api/ExchangeRates';
function AssetPrice({ symbol }: Props) {
const { data: price } = useLive(getExchangeRates, {
currency: 'USD',
const displayPrice = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD',
}).format(1 / Number.parseFloat(price.rates[symbol]));
return (
{symbol} {displayPrice}
interface Props {
symbol: string;
render(<AssetPrice symbol="BTC" />);
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